Stop Telling Clients What You Do
Yup. You heard me correctly.Stop telling clients what you do.They really don’t care.They actually care aboutsomething completelydifferent.And you should ONLYbe taking about that.Watch this week’s videoto see what that is. P.S. I now have 1 coaching spot available.If you’re interested, fire me an emailand we’ll find a time to chatto see if we’re a…
Read More3 Critical Client Questions
There’s 3 critical questionsI believe every CPAshould be askingtheir clients. These questions will Increase your value in your client’s eyes Maximize the $$$ you can command Set you up for excellent referrals They’re not hard questions. But they are critical. Watch this week’s videoto see what they are. P.S. I have 2 coaching spots…
Read MoreStop Chasing The $$$ (Part 2)
It’s time again to talk aboutcollecting old A/R. And…how to perfect thetiming of firing clients! In this second edition,of Stop Chasing the $$$I integrate both issues. There are 3 critical pointsI share in this video,that can save youa ton of time& headache. You can watch thisweek’s video here:
Read MoreThe Changing Seasons
I really noticed the seasons change this week. One minute it was warm and summer. Next thing it was foggy and fall! And as always,it reminded me of you. Clients are like changing seasons. If you don’t change with them,you can get caught,like wearing shorts…in winter time! Watch this week’s videoto see what I’mtalking about.
Read MorePrice Your Services Like Whistler
You can learn a lot from watchingwhat other businesses do. Take for example:Whistler/Blackcomb Resort. They know what they’re selling. And they optimize on it. …and so can you. Watch this week’s videoto learn the secretof their success. Erik P.S I have opened 2 spots for 1:1coaching starting in September &they will fill up quickly.…
Read MoreThe Imaginary Dotted Line
Humans are meaning making machines. We constantly make stuff up! And one of those isthe imaginary dotted line. I see it cause completehavoc in CPAs. Do you know which lineI’m talking about? Watch this week’s video to find out. PS. I have opened 2 spots for 1:1 coaching starting in September.Email me if you’re…
Read More3 Reasons to Treat Your Firm Like an Airplane
Do you know what happens if youtreat your firm like an airplane? You’ll get: Happier clients…More time off…And profits will “soar”… Want to know why? Watch this week’s video to find out.
Read MoreWhat To Do When Shit Goes Sideways
Ever had one of those dayswhen shit goes sideways? Everyone has. I just had one myself. The real question is how do we handle it? I have a simple trick thatkeeps me from blowing my stack. It really works well. That’s what I’d like to sharewith you this week. …and to let you know whatmy…
Read MoreWhy Most CPAs Hate Me
I find that telling the truthis always the best policy And the truth is, that mostCPAs don’t like me. They don’t like…what I say…how I say it…and how it makes them feel But I’m totally OKAY with this. I never try and please everyone. And you shouldn’t either. Watch this week’s video to see what…
Read MoreSing Your Song
I came across a music festivalthis week in Quebec City. And as I was watching the showhaving myself some poutineI thought of CPAs. There’s a really good lessonwe can learn from other professions. Watch this week’s video to seehow you can apply it to your firm.
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