5 Ways to $600K
Business Model Mind Set Sales
How are you going to get to your revenue target in your accounting practice?
My wake up call happened after advising a client on her start-up business.
The answer was so simple I felt like kicking myself.
Crunch the numbers and then you can decide which route you want to take.
The choice is yours.
Very good advice. I feel like I am on the right track. That is exactly what I started doing a few years ago.
Right on Marcella. Stay the course and keep going.
Great info Erik. The idea of 4000 personal tax clients gives me nightmares.
You and me both Michelle. I can guarantee that we’re not the only ones!
Thank you for telling me what I have been doing wrong, and why I have been banging my head against the wall in my business. So amazing. So clear. Now I just have to fit it into my practice.!
Right on Theresa. Go get em!